Filcro Media Staffing Media Executive Search Methodologies
Since 1985 Filcro Media Staffing had been bringing media centric executive searches to fruition by utilizing honed recruitment resources, solid relationships and extensive media industry acumen that has served the media industry for over thirty years.
No two, executive searches, are the same. However, there are constants, defined as search components that are utilized as honed recruitment tools. Filcro Media Staffing’s executive search methods are orchestrated appropriately for the specialized media recruitment we offer. A history of recruitment excellence and results are synonymous with Filcro Media Staffing.
The distinct advantages offered by the firm in identifying, recruiting and attracting media industry talent expeditiously, is documented. To obtain nuance after reading this page, please browse individual case histories to garner additional insight into Filcro Media Staffing’s recruitment methodologies.
The cadence and efficacy of identification, recruitment and attraction during the executive search process is a reflection of Filcro Media Staffing’s media industry acumen and relationships of the Officer in Charge. Filcro Media Staffing is a focused media executive search firm providing a holistic understanding of the tactical and strategic experience required to assure that a client’s business goals, sales objectives or creative needs can be brought to fruition by a successful executive search.
Filcro Media Staffing Retained Global Media Executive Search Modality
Filcro Media Staffing’s media executive search practice is devoted to the needs of a diverse and sophisticated amalgam of media and broadcasting interests.
The firm’s broadcasting and media focus combined with the capacity to discern nuance offers unique advantages to a complex and evolving global multicast, multiplex, multiplatform broadcasting community requiring proven strategic leadership and effective tacticians that we serve across eleven media platforms.
Filcro Media Staffing’s executive search practice is sophisticated and comprehensive. Universe compilation, identification, recruitment and tiering are structured so the “The firm functions expeditiously”. Our relationships take advantage of market conditions and competitor internal succession or movement, prior to public awareness.
Establishing Goals
Working collaboratively the officer in charge of search obtains an understanding of your immediate and long-term business, technical, sales or creative goals to determine the experience and skills required.
Focus is placed on "traditional" organizational relationships, reporting lines, succession planning, change management, budgets, corporate goals and cultures to identify the proper environments to recruit out of. Essential to this phase is Filcro Media Staffing’s capacity to make knowledgeable assessments based on decades of media executive search experience.
Client Assessment
As the recruited candidates are reviewed by Filcro Media Staffing the evaluation process is constantly facilitating the identification of "ideal candidates" at every phase of the executive search. The written profiles, scenario work and justification statements are intended to address specific issues at every phase of assessment. Many clients opt to utilize these assessments to supplement their own internal reviews for HR, the hiring manager or executive search committee.
Terms of Employment - Relocation - Contracts
Filcro Media Staffing will participate in finalizing the terms of employment, (At Will or Contract) relocation assistance or employment contract review when appropriate. The firm has extensive experience reviewing terms, compensation, relocation and employment contracts so the proper executive can be attracted,. Filcro Media Staffing will play as active a role, as required or requested, to bring the hiring process to fruition. Filcro Media Staffing has facilitated transitions from every large and small U.S. media center as well as each of the individual 200+ U.S. DMA’s. With equal experience in LATAM, MENA, EU and ASIA markets, the firm is well suited to meet all our client’s domestic and international recruitment needs.
Once an executive is in place, Filcro Media Staffing will continue to participate to help with acclimation, when invited. This process is intended to understand performance, cultural adaptation, expectations and the executive's commitment to their professional obligations are in-line with messaging during the search process. With many executive searches, executives and their families are relocated. The firm’s experience with global acclimation and relocation can be extremely valuable when attracting and retaining leadership.
Client and Candidate Success
Filcro Media Staffing brings business goals to fruition through an effective and expeditious executive search process.
Since 1985 the firm has a proud history of facilitating the building, operation and monetization of global media assets by recruiting for some of the world's most demanding organizations. Large and small.
When recruiting for a media and entertainment conglomerate, TV Network, a Fortune 50-500, a technology provider or a well conceived start-up, Filcro Media Staffing has a documented history of, “Client & Candidate” success. The relationships initiated by the firm during the executive search process continue to contribute to the organizations we recruit for, well into the future. We build success.
To obtain detailed information about conducting a search:
Tony Filson President & CEO Filcro Media Staffing 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10017
Email | 212-599-0909 ext 215
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