Executive Search Firm Filcro Media Staffing Officer in Charge Tony Filson Practice Groups Production | News & Journalism Search Senior Producer - US and MENA
The TV Network
Major U.S multinational media conglomerate broadcasting news in US, MENA, EU, ASIA & LATAM markets. With broad global distribution this TV Network’s News division broadcasts in multiple languages across (6) six media platforms. Offering high quality journalistic standards and high production values, this 24/7 news Network offers diverse formats and news special(s) with compelling programming relevant to the diverse global communities the TV Network serves.
The News Network Search Objective
To recruit and relocate a senior producer for U.S. and MENA coverage responsible for the journalistic and creative development, production and content quality of each show.
The ideal was to identify a producer who could conduct fresh, informative, creative, compelling shows, ensuring balanced content consistent with the journalistic standards of the Network.
The standards for creative vision, production values and audience participation of the programs on and off-air were set high. In-line with the vice president's vision of the programming to be produced were award winning internal examples of some of the highest rated shows in U.S. and MENA market history.
As well as overseeing, gathering, writing and producing each show this senior producer would mentor other producers to build a strong team for 24/7 U.S. & MENA coverage to equal the US, LATAM, EU and ASIA news bureaus coverage.
Client Situation
The Vice President of programming has searched internally and the management acumen to lead this group with autonomy was not apparent within the TV Network’s news bureaus in the United States or the MENA.
The Network had utilized Filcro Media Staffing in the past for programming, executive producer and line producer executive search assignments in the MENA, EU and The Americas as well as recruiting senior leadership to run their largest news bureaus.
Based on show delivery obligations and air-dates the Vice President of programming needed this search assignment to be a priority.
Filcro Media Staffing’s Officer in Charge of Search, Tony Filson, conducted similar international executive searches for the Network at an aggressive cadence to expeditiously bring each search to fruition with exceptionally talented executives.
Industry and Sector Inclusion for Universe Compilation (ISIUC)
- Broadcast Television Network News
- Cable Television Network News
- NGO Broadcast News Networks
- Public Broadcasting Production & News
- Long & Short Form Production and Documentary
- Press Agencies
- Independent Production Companies
- Independent Producers
Subsequent to Filcro Media Staffing being retained
Filcro Media Staffing with Tony Filson as Officer in Charge of Search participated with Network programming and human resources to obtain nuance and establish interviewing availability in Washington, DC and the Middle East. A solid understanding of the Vice President's succession plan was articulated so the Network would not be in this critical situation in the future with the full support of human resources and the Network President.
Similar Middle East and U.S. / MENA production searches were conducted recently and the compensation offered was very close to competing TV Networks seeking the same demographic(s).
An immediate group of senior producers were brought forward from MENA, US and UK markets that offered the growth the VP of Programming was seeking for bureau coverage. At no point did a conflict occur with any candidate presented with the client company or current searches being conducted for other news organizations.
The first round of interviews in Washington, DC and the MENA were solidified in two weeks and a second round with travel to the Middle East was accomplished in an additional two to three weeks based on visa requirements and consulate interviews for each producer.
From the time Filcro Media Staffing was retained to the start date of the new news senior producer, (8) weeks had passed. Tony Filson had met the cadence desired by the VP of Programming and brought this search to fruition at the aggressive cadence required.
Challenges Facing the New Production Executive
- Develop news reports, features and monitor global news events independently while also taking direction from the Editor in Chief.
- Supervise show staff members and on-air talent to build a cohesive team that can work together in pre-production and production to set new production and writing standards for the Network in U.S. and MENA markets.
- Re-purpose U.S. and MENA market shows for global distribution for TV, Online, Mobile and OEM platforms.
- Based on breaking stories and news events, reposition staff and resources in the MENA and U.S. to assure Network coverage
- Work to upgrade show graphics, chyron and control room communication standards for studio and remote news broadcasts.
- Work with On Air Promotions to assure they have the materials needed to build audiences and insert timely relevant content.
- Work closely with Anchors, Writers and at times talent management for smooth daily operations and continuity of broadcasts.
The Filcro Media Staffing Solution
Filcro Media Staffing proceeded to Identify global news organizations with specific "production" and “programming” environments that produce award winning quality content similar to the client’s needs in the U.S. and MENA, for global distribution.
Recruiting the ideal senior news producer from U.S. ; MENA and U.K. markets offered a great deal of diversity in the search universe. However, the language skills required were not negotiable and ultimately the producer recruited by Tony Filson spoke and wrote four languages fluently. Filcro Media Staffing’s resources in US|UK|MENA were all utilized to make this happen.
After viewing each producers work, examining them as journalists and as broadcasting executives, it became apparent that our ideal for the search was based in the MENA and had prior U.S. and EU Network news experience.
After all the qualified producers were identified, screened, and recruited, four were ultimately presented and the VP of Programming narrowed it down to two candidates.
The process of determining which one of the two candidates would be hired was as extensive as vetting the initial universe of 42 producers. Meetings took place with those involved in New York, Washington DC and the MENA. With both senior producers being exceptional journalists and broadcasting executives, ultimately the producer who could relate best to the targeted demographics in US/MENA/EU markets was offered the position, accepted. She transitioned well to the new corporate culture. The executive's family once settled in their new home, schools and community were key factors / catalysts in brining the search to fruition. Filcro Media Staffing’s experience relocating broadcasting executives and their families globally was utilized to its fullest.
The Successful Production Executive Recruited
The new Senior Producer met the Vice President's expectations on every front and has developed a world class news bureau production environment that is a positive place to work for: on-air talent, journalists, writers and production / post personnel.
The shows and specials produced have increased ratings on-air and online and the associated on-air promotions have even increased ratings of surrounding programming.
As a talented award winning producer she brings a wealth of experience as a subject matter expert of all things MENA / US and broad acumen to increase production standards at every turn. As a journalist she has impeccable credentials with a noted history of awards for compelling honest and straight forward programming. As a broadcasting executive she is clearly a Sr. Producer / Managing Producer if not Executive Producer in some environments and knows the intricacies of developing, producing, promoting and building audiences in competitive international markets on budget and on-time while mentoring staff.
The Search Summary
This executive search was brought to fruition based on the cooperation of everyone involved. Human resources, the hiring manager and the officer in charge all made concerted efforts to meet the aggressive deadline established at the inception of the assignment. Working in (3) three different time zones and involving staff in New York, Washington DC and the Middle East , everything was coordinated perfectly to assure that the attraction phase once put in place would utilize the resources of everyone involved to assure success.
Filcro Media Staffing always looks forward to identifying talented producers in news, entertainment, reality, advertising, on air promo, sports and corporate environments. Working with executives who bring the business, technical and creative aspects of our industry together is always rewarding.